C ++程序实现符号表

2023-09-17 09:36




  • 链表
  • 哈希表





Name Type Scope
add function global
a int function parameter b int function parameter sum int local

以下是使用带有单独链接的散列概念的Symbol Table的C++实现:

// C++ program to implement Symbol Table
using namespace std;
const int MAX = 100;
class Node {
    string identifier, scope, type;
    int lineNo;
    Node* next;
        next = NULL;
    Node(string key, string value, string type, int lineNo)
        this->identifier = key;
        this->scope = value;
        this->type = type;
        this->lineNo = lineNo;
        next = NULL;
    void print()
        cout << "Identifier's Name:" << identifier
             << "\nType:" << type
             << "\nScope: " << scope
             << "\nLine Number: " << lineNo << endl;
    friend class SymbolTable;
class SymbolTable {
    Node* head[MAX];
        for (int i = 0; i < MAX; i++)
            head[i] = NULL;
    int hashf(string id); // hash function
    bool insert(string id, string scope,
                string Type, int lineno);
    string find(string id);
    bool deleteRecord(string id);
    bool modify(string id, string scope,
                string Type, int lineno);
// Function to modify an identifier
bool SymbolTable::modify(string id, string s,
                         string t, int l)
    int index = hashf(id);
    Node* start = head[index];
    if (start == NULL)
        return "-1";
    while (start != NULL) {
        if (start->identifier == id) {
            start->scope = s;
            start->type = t;
            start->lineNo = l;
            return true;
        start = start->next;
    return false; // id not found
// Function to delete an identifier
bool SymbolTable::deleteRecord(string id)
    int index = hashf(id);
    Node* tmp = head[index];
    Node* par = head[index];
    // no identifier is present at that index
    if (tmp == NULL) {
        return false;
    // only one identifier is present
    if (tmp->identifier == id && tmp->next == NULL) {
        tmp->next = NULL;
        delete tmp;
        return true;
    while (tmp->identifier != id && tmp->next != NULL) {
        par = tmp;
        tmp = tmp->next;
    if (tmp->identifier == id && tmp->next != NULL) {
        par->next = tmp->next;
        tmp->next = NULL;
        delete tmp;
        return true;
    // delete at the end
    else {
        par->next = NULL;
        tmp->next = NULL;
        delete tmp;
        return true;
    return false;
// Function to find an identifier
string SymbolTable::find(string id)
    int index = hashf(id);
    Node* start = head[index];
    if (start == NULL)
        return "-1";
    while (start != NULL) {
        if (start->identifier == id) {
            return start->scope;
        start = start->next;
    return "-1"; // not found
// Function to insert an identifier
bool SymbolTable::insert(string id, string scope,
                         string Type, int lineno)
    int index = hashf(id);
    Node* p = new Node(id, scope, Type, lineno);
    if (head[index] == NULL) {
        head[index] = p;
        cout << "\n"
             << id << " inserted";
        return true;
    else {
        Node* start = head[index];
        while (start->next != NULL)
            start = start->next;
        start->next = p;
        cout << "\n"
             << id << " inserted";
        return true;
    return false;
int SymbolTable::hashf(string id)
    int asciiSum = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < id.length(); i++) {
        asciiSum = asciiSum + id[i];
    return (asciiSum % 100);
// Driver code
int main()
    SymbolTable st;
    string check;
    cout << "**** SYMBOL_TABLE ****\n";
    // insert 'if'
    if (st.insert("if", "local", "keyword", 4))
        cout << " -successfully";
        cout << "\nFailed to insert.\n";
    // insert 'number'
    if (st.insert("number", "global", "variable", 2))
        cout << " -successfully\n\n";
        cout << "\nFailed to insert\n";
    // find 'if'
    check = st.find("if");
    if (check != "-1")
        cout << "Identifier Is present\n";
        cout << "\nIdentifier Not Present\n";
    // delete 'if'
    if (st.deleteRecord("if"))
        cout << "if Identifier is deleted\n";
        cout << "\nFailed to delete\n";
    // modify 'number'
    if (st.modify("number", "global", "variable", 3))
        cout << "\nNumber Identifier updated\n";
    // find and print 'number'
    check = st.find("number");
    if (check != "-1")
        cout << "Identifier Is present\n";
        cout << "\nIdentifier Not Present";
    return 0;
**** SYMBOL_TABLE ****

if inserted -successfully
number inserted -successfully

Identifier's Name:if
Scope: local
Line Number: 4
Identifier Is present

if Identifier is deleted

number Identifier updated

Identifier's Name:number
Scope: global
Line Number: 3
Identifier Is present

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